Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gaining Momentum

Just a quick post to let you guys know of a few things that are going on here at Maize and Blue Sports.

The main topic I want to address is that this blog is going to be different than many, in that it is going to be run by quite a few different guys, who I will hand pick.

Ideally there will be a writer for all major sports in Ann Arbor (football, basketball, hockey, baseball, more?) and maybe one or two more that just cover everything, but for now we're taking it pretty slow.

I have, however, chosen one writer already. He's really impressed me with his knowledge and writing style, and I know you guys are going to really enjoy reading his stuff. He really is a great writer and a great guy.

I'll be introducing him in a post later this evening, and you can expect to see his first post tomorrow, most likely.

This is just the beginning. Maize and Blue Sports is going to continue to grow quite a bit over the next few weeks, and I hope that you guys will be with us through it all.

Thanks for reading, and Go Blue!

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